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Dua For Baby Boy In Pregnancy
Dua For Baby Boy In Pregnancy or to get pregnant with a boy can be use for beautiful baby while pregnant. We will provide you Islamic way to conceive a baby boy.
One of the essential things for any married couple is having children. These days boys and girls are at par. But at times, parents yearn to have a baby boy.
Dua For Baby Boy In Pregnancy
This can be due to some reasons like the son will stay with the parents even after marriage. The son will keep the father’s name for life etc. If you too want a male child, then you must try dua for baby boy in pregnancy.
Mentioned Below Is The Dua That The Would Be Parents Will Have To Narrate.
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem
Fardun, Hayyun, Qayyumun, Hakamun, `Adlun, Quddusun,
Sa-yaj`alu Allahu ba`da `usrinyusra,
Hab li min ladunkawaliyyanyarithunee,
yukhrijukumtiflanthumma li-tablughu.
While narrating this dua for baby boy in pregnancy, there are some crucial things that you must remember. Firstly it is better if the husband tells this dua. Secondly, if both the parents narrate this dua regularly, then it is even better. Lastly, keep in mind that you have to focus correctly on your goal when you are performing this dua.
When you are narrating this dua for baby boy in pregnancy, you sit in a place where there is no disturbance. It is also equally important that you have only good thoughts in your mind when you are narrating this dua.
Narrate This Dua To Get Pregnant With A Boy
Narrate This Dua To Get Pregnant With A Boy, Only the mighty can decide about the gender of the child. But if you perform the dua to get pregnant with a boy, then the chances are bright that you will get blessed with a baby boy. The method to achieve this dua is simple but you must follow specific steps correctly.
Keep in mind that the husband does this procedure of dua to get pregnant with a boy. But if the husband is very busy, then the wife can perform the dua. You can perform this dua at any time in the day. This dua can be performed at any time of the day. Before you start the procedure, you have to make sure that you have a bath and clean yourself — also, clean three almonds.
Firstly, you have to narrate Bismillah hirRa’hmaannirRa’heem. This, you must tell, only one time. Secondly, you have to narrate ALLAH Ta’ala (‘YaJabbaru’). This you must narrate 3000 times. Next, you must blow your breath on the three almonds that you have cleaned earlier. After that, eat one of the almonds and let your wife eat two almonds.
You must make sure that you follow this dua to get pregnant with a boy for 11 consecutive days. If God is willing to give you a boy, then your prayers will surely be answered. But for this one needs to have complete faith in the strength of the mighty and the power of the duas and wazifas.
Islamic Way To Conceive A Baby Boy
Islamic Way To Conceive A Baby Boy, A male child is essential in Islam. In Islam, many methods are using which one can get a baby boy. An Islamic way to conceive a baby boy is narrating the below-mentioned lines regularly. While reciting these lines, one must make sure that they pronounce the words correctly.
Rabbi habliminladunka
thuriyatantayyebalnasami u
There is one more Islamic way to conceive a baby boy. Firstly you have to recite Surah Al-Maryam, Al-Yousaf, and Al-Mohammad. You have to narrate it one time. Before reciting this, you have to say the Durood Shareef.
You must answer this at the starting and in the end. Next, you have to blow in a bottle that contains water. Finally, make sure that you drink this water. You have to follow this procedure for one month continuously. This will help you get the best results.
If you want to complete any Islamic way to conceive a baby boy correctly, then it is better to contact an Islamic astrologer. First of all, he will study all the details about you and your husband. Next, he will provide the solutions.
He will tell about the different duas and wazifas that have to be said. He will also speak about how the procedure of narrating the duas has to be completed correctly. But make sure that you connect with only an expert Islamic astrologer who has proven expertise in this field.
Dua For Beautiful Baby While Pregnant
Dua For Beautiful Baby While Pregnant, There is only one wish that all would-be parents have. That is that their baby is born healthy and is gorgeous. With the help of duas and wazifas, one can achieve this as well.
First, of every day, you must narrate the dua for a beautiful baby while pregnant in the Quran-e-Pak. After every Salah, the mother must pray to the almighty for a healthy and beautiful child. She must then recite the dua in the Quran-e-Pak.
One more dua for beautiful baby while pregnant involves narrating Surah Maryam and Surah Yousaf. One must also narrate Aftaghfar. There is one more procedure that the mother must follow every day before going to bed. Firstly, she must say the Durood Shareef. Next, she must say YaMusaviro. Finally, again she must narrate the Durood Shareef.
Another dua for beautiful baby while pregnant saying “YA musaviro” for 336 times. This process has to be repeated every day. In the 4th month, it is believed that the child can hear his mother.
The mother must, therefore, read aloud the Quran-e-Pak. It is also essential that the mother says only good things. She must pray to Allah every day that her baby is born healthy and beautiful.
Almighty will surely give you the best happiness in the form of a baby. You must perform all the duas that are there for having a beautiful baby boy.
Make sure that you make no mistakes in the procedures and pronunciations. If you have doubts, then you must take assistance from an Islamic astrologer. During your pregnancy, eat right and always remain happy.