Dua For Protection of Loved Ones

Dua For Protection of Loved Ones

Dua For Protection of Loved Ones also use for safety of loved ones and to reunite with loved one, Our Molana will provide you a strong dua for getting loved one back.

Your loved ones are the backbone of your life. They are the one whom you value above all. Generally, your loved ones are people who are close to you. This includes your family, friends, colleagues, etc.

Apart from friends and family, your girlfriend/boyfriend to forms this group of loved ones. Showering love on your loved ones and caring for them is something you love. Moreover, it happens to be your duty towards them in the first place.

Dua For Protection of Loved Ones

Dua For Protection of Loved Ones

Ensuring the safety and soundness of your loved ones is all that you want. Furthermore, your loved ones too wish the same for you. Thus, this mutual concern and bond of love create a cordial relationship among you.

However, life doesn’t go in sync with our plans. Both you and your loved ones are exposed to threats and vulnerability. These threats are channelized in the form of:

  • Jealousy of enemy
  • Planetary movements
  • Effect of black magic
  • Results of some wrong deeds

Irrespective of the cause of risk what matters is the preventive measure. In this case, to avoid the situation beforehand is the best idea. It’s, evident that you would not like to see your loved one in pain and trouble.

Thus, for holistic and all around protection, a holy and pious solution is required. Dua for protection of loved ones is that solution. Performing dua for the protection of loved ones can be quite useful.

This Quranic solution brings God’s grace unto your family. Your dua would be a carrier of your message to the almighty.

Dua For The Safety of Loved Ones

Your wife, children, parents, sisters, and brothers are quite close to your heart. Furthermore, these are the people that complete you. It is said that a man without emotion is nothing.

The emotions in your heart are derived by these loved ones in the first place. In the back of your mind, you always think of their safety. Though you might be living in a secure surrounding but yet threat to security is there.

Several factors put into threatening the safety of your loved ones. Generally, these factors include:

  • Possibility of an accident
  • Exploitation by someone
  • Threat due to natural calamity
  • Sudden collapse or disability

It is quite threatening for you to see your loved ones exposed to such risks. Leaving them exposed to such adversities is something you can’t afford. Furthermore, any such threat is unpredictable and can attack at any time.

Thus, in this case, you can’t plan any safety measure. However, there is nothing to dishearten. Dua for the safety of loved ones is there for your help. The process to perform Dua for the protection of loved ones is as follows:

  • To begin with, complete Wudu
  • Next dress up in neat and tidy clothes
  • Sit in the place of performing Namaz
  • Ensure silence all around in the first place
  • Recite:

“A’oodhu bilLaahi

min ash-Shaytaan ir-Rajeem.”

  • Recite this for 101 times
  • Afterward, pray to Almighty for prosperity
  • Regularly perform this dua for 40 days

Dua To Reunite With A Loved One

The thought of going away from a loved one is enough to give you a scare. Losing the precious presence of a loved one in your life is scary in the first place. Without a loved one, you cannot imagine your life.

However, in life, there comes a situation when there is a rift in relations. This rift takes away loved ones from your life. The pain of their loss is something you can’t bear.

Moreover, to bring them back is the thought that pops your mind. However, to do that you need to opt some concrete measures. In this case, you look out for extreme measures. However, these measures are not sufficient and are rather destructive.

When Quranic solutions are there, then why to opt for a useless one? When you can solve problems instantly, why not opt for such a solution? Yes, Quranic methods like dua and wazifa have shown proven efficacy for all such issues.

Dua to reunite with a loved one can be the right solution for you. To perform Dua to join with loved one follow the below mentioned steps:

  • In the first place take a bath
  • Next, perform Wudu
  • To begin with wear neat cotton clothes
  • Now, recite:

“Allaummaj-almin azwajina

wah dhuriyaatina qurata a-ayunin

waj-alna lil mutaqena mama”

  • Recite this for a total of 1001 recitations
  • Make recitations at both morning and evening
  • In the meanwhile plead to god for unification with loved ones
  • Perform this regularly for three days
  • Always perform the dua with full faith

Dua For Getting Loved One Back

Bringing back loved one can be a challenging task in the first place. When you lose the company of a loved one, then a type of vacuum is created in your life. Generally, there is no effect instantly, but afterward; it is hard to take the fact.

Your cherished memories with loved one surround your mind. Furthermore, you can’t stop thinking about the loved one — this where you start to feel the loss in a real sense.

There is an urge to get back the person in your life. However, this seems a distant dream. In this case, the situation breaks you from inside and outside. You lose your emotional balance.

Furthermore, the ability to devise a solution also starts to faint. Your mind accepts the loss of a loved one. There is a belief in you that the loved one would never come back. All your hopes come to a dead end.

This is the time when the Almighty takes charge. Dua to reunite with loved one comes as a solution in this regards. None other than Allah himself helps you out. The dua is the way to connect with him.

The process to perform Dua For Getting Loved One Back is as follows:

  • Perform a fresh wudu in the first place
  • To begin with, reciting “ Allahu akbar.”
  • Recite this for a total of 93 times
  • Now recite:

“Hasbunallahu waa la

Namal wake, qwata

Illa billahi wa Nasser.”

  • Make 101 recitations of this dua
  • Afterward, pray to Allah for getting loved one back
  • Regularly perform this for seven days

The loved one would come back in your life. Peace and prosperity would prevail in your life.

Rohani Amal For Love

This entry was posted in Dua.