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Wazifa For Angry Wife
Wazifa For Angry Wife or to make wife obedient can be use to make wife listen. If you want then we will provide you wazifa to control wife for all wife related problem solutions.
Everybody has dreamed of getting a beautiful wife as his life partner. Because the married life becomes the last and ultimate life for all people. So everyone wants to spend this life with a beautiful, pretty, and understandable wife.
When two partners have an understanding of their work, their business will grow many folds with time. They will make profits and have fewer chances of loss. They contribute more than that their capability.
Wazifa For Angry Wife
Same is the case with husband and wife; if they are understandable, loyal and love each other, their coming life becomes more comfortable. They can handle any difficult situations together.
They take care of each other; as a result, their children will become responsible persons of society. On the other hand, if husband and wife are not respectable and trustworthy towards each other. They start fighting on small minute things; And they listen to the words of the third person who want to separate; become he/she is jealous of their love.
The third person who might be their neighbour, friend, or relative can be involved in these propagandas against them. If husband and wife have immense love and are very close to each other, they cannot come into the words of that third person.
The most important person in the family is the wife because it is she who fulfils the dream of children for the family, which brings new happiness to the family, particularly to her husband. Some wives are perfect towards their husband from the beginning of their marriage; some are not.
Very often, it has been seen that many husbands suffer very much torture from their wives. Their wives are a very high tempered person. They shout on their husband on small things. They are not patient and if they want anything from their husband. The thing should be in front of them as the blink of the eye.
They cannot bare irresponsible and dull husband. They even sometimes shut towards their husband. So to control their anger, we have brought for you a Wazifa For Angry Wife. The Wazifa For Angry Wife is important as it helps you to manage your wife. So that in frustration and high temper cannot do what is not expected from her. Here is Wazifa For Angry Wife;
- First of all, do a fresh bath and fresh wadu.
- Recite the Surah Al-Baqarah verse 153
“ Ya Ayyuhal lazeena Amanu Bissabri wassalati Innalaha Ma sabireen”
- Recite this dua after the noon prayer that is after Zuhr Prayer.
- After this blow it on a glass of water and give this to your wife to drink.
- Pray to Allah, to make your wife free from anger and give her patience.
- Insha Allah, very soon your wife will be stable and generally behave with you.
Wazifa To Make Wife Obedient
Wazifa To Make Wife Obedient, Every husband expects love, affection and sincerity from her wife. According to Islamic Sharaiah, the wife has been made subordinate to the husband. She should listen, love, obey and respect her husband.
However, every wife did not follow Islamic law and make her husband’s life like hell. She did not listen to her words and did not accept his decision about her life. As a result, marriages which are arranged to combine two souls so that they will spend the whole life together start broken within no time.
As soon as disputes start occurring between husband and wife. The wife becomes more disrespectful towards her husband. If you think that your wife has lost his senses and did not respect you. You need wazifa to make your wife obedient to you.
This wazifa will bring you your old wife. The wife whom you marry first love, was shinning for you from her face. This wazifa is strong and powerful to make your wife obedient to you. Here is wazifa;
- First of all, do fresh wadu, you to perform this wazifa after Isha Nimaz.
- Now recite Surah Muzamil 41 times.
- Blow it on a piece of any sweet thing and take it in your right hand.
- Give it to your wife to eat.
- Insha Allah, you will get results after seven days.
Wazifa To Control Wife
Wazifa To Control Wife, Every husband wants her wife to be respectful and loyal to him. He does not wish to a frustrated, depressive and irresponsible wife as his life partner. If his wife is selfish, disrespectful and ignorant type, then their married life gets ruined within no time.
Is your wife greedy and has developed an illicit relationship. Due to illegal relations, your wife has got out of your control; she even has lost control of herself. Because of illicit relationships numbers of families were destroyed.
Well if your wife fights with you frequently and argues with you as well as getting arrogant days by day. Do not worry; we have brought a wazifa for you. The wazifa will help you to gain control of your wife back again. She will become lovable and responsible. Here is a wazifa;
- Do fresh wadu and recite this Dua 41 times;
“La Hawla Wala Quwata Illa Billah”
- Take a thread of you and your wife’s hair. Recite Surah Zilzal and take but your names at the end of the recitation of this Surah.
- Now tie 7 knots on the same thread and throw it in running water.
- Insha Allah, your wife, will move towards you.
Wazifa To Make Wife Listen
Wazifa To Make Wife Listen, On many occasions, when the wife became egoist and did not hear any word from the husband. In such a situation, life becomes very hectic for the husband. He feels insulted and could not ignore such behaviour of his wife.
His wife did not want to listen to his decisions and did not want to take part in family decisions, even in their personal life decisions. As a result, the married life will start broking down. If you wish that your wife should listen to you. Then here is wazifa;
- First of all, do fresh wadu and recite “ Allahumma Sali Ala Muhammadin Waala aali.”
- You have to start this dua on Thursday. Recite this dua 100 times.
- After reciting g dua recite Durood-e-Shareef 7 times.
- Continue this amal for seven consecutive days.
Insha Allah, your wife, will start to listen to your words.