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Wazifa to Forget Someone You Love
Best wazifa to forget someone- Love can be a beautiful feeling when it’s pure and selfless. But given the corruption that infects our generation, it’s highly unlikely to find true love. The True Love that we all seek is on the verge of extinction. What we have now instead is a version of love that though comes close to the True Love is still not the same. The difference between True Love and Modern Love is similar to that of 24 Karat Gold and 18 Karat Gold. One is pure, another is not. It’s natural that modern love doesn’t often last long. Yet those who are hopeless romantics and pursue every relationship with the hope of 24 Karat Gold, eventually end up with heartbreak. Those are the ones who need the wazifa to forget someone you love.
Wazifa to Forget Someone You Love
Love brings with it a lot of heartaches and lasting sorrows. Whether you are in a difficult relationship or just gotten out of one, there’s no remedy to the pain you go through, while dealing with a heart-break. But you must remember the worst has passed and now you need to move ahead with life and for that, you need to forget the one who caused you all the pain. You can do this by using the wazifa to forget someone you love.
Dua for someone to leave you alone
Love gets complicated over the time. And in spite of best intentions, sometimes it’s not feasible to continue in a difficult relationship. Often the couples drift apart or just break up, leaving heart-burns at both ends. The one who is more involved suffers more. And if you are the one is a pain, then you need to use the Dua for someone to leave you alone.
In any love affair, there’s one who’s more involved than the others. Rarely does it happen that both individuals are equally inclined; and whenever that happens it’s what we call true love. Rest of the world experiences what is best known as “Modern Day Love”. Basically, a love that is just as pure as possible. In such relationships, personal ego and gratifications often cause right in the affair, leading to break-up. And when that happens, the sincere one suffers the most. To avoid falling into depression over lost love, you must use the Dua for someone to leave you alone.
It’s not necessary that a woman will suffer more than a man. Emotions and feelings are not dependent on gender. What love needs is a pure heart capable of selfless emotions. Whether you are a male or a female, there’s a good chance that you will feel the pain more than the other person, when the relationship breaks. If you have invested everything you have got, into a relationship, and it fails eventually, then the pain of such heartbreak is unbearable. At this time, you will need to protect yourself and save yourself from falling into depression. You can take the support of Dua for someone to leave you alone.
Perform the ritual for 7 consecutive days. Start on a Friday.Choose a quiet place in your room for the wazifa to forget someone you love ritual.
- A cleansed body and mind are essential for any ritual. Start with proper wuzu before you perform the wazifa to forget someone you love.
- Pick any verse from Durood Shareef and recite continuously 7 times.
- After your daily Salaat, chant the 3rdKalima:
subhaa- nallaahiwal- hamdulill aahiwalaai laahaillallaahu wallaahu akbar
- Recite the following dua, 7 times continuously
la hawla walaquwwataill abillahali ul azeem
- Recite the following dua, 21 times continuously.
allahummainneea ’uzubikaminal hammiwalhuzniwaa’ uzubikaminal ‘ajziwalkasaliwaa’ uzubikaminalbukhli waljubniwaa’ uzubika min galabatiddayni waqahrir-rijaali
- Recite the same verse from Durood Shareef again, 7 times continuously.
- Pray to Allah to bless your heart with the strength to forget the lost love. Mention the name of the person you wish to forget and ask for Allah’s blessings to support you in the endeavor.
Wazifa to Forget Someone You Love
Note for Females:You can perform this wazifa to forget someone you love ritual during menses/periods.
Dua to stop thinking about someone
Pain and Sorrows are part of our lives. Yet, they are never meant to be dealt with on our own. If you are suffering from depression, the best remedy is to share your situation with your family. Family’s support has helped many to come out of the worst cases of depression.
Next to family, is your religious priest, the local Moulvi, who can guide you through the difficult phase of life and help you to avoid losing your way. The Moulvi can also along with Islamic Astrologer help you with the dua to stop thinking about someone.
You can open your heart to your Moulvi, who will keep the confidentiality and still help you with the situation. The Islamic Astrologer can provide you with a “taveez” which will be equivalent to you performing the dua to stop thinking about someone. You can wear the “taveez” to get over the pain of a broken heart and lost love.